Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Told ya

What was it I said Karl would arrange? Oh yeah:

Maybe we'll even see W., our rugged, open-collared, sleeves-rolled-up
leader, hammer a nail. Ad nauseum. The same nail, over and over. On ABC, CBS,
CNN, MSNBC, and Fox. Especially Fox.
Hmm, it looks like Bush is helping workers by preparing to hit one of them on the head with that hammer. Fortunately, he's holding it in a way that won't generate much force.

Lest you think this wasn't just a photo op:

Bush's motorcade wended its way through the pitch dark down Covington's largely unscathed streets to the brightly lit Habitat site — a small patch of land amid a still-sleeping, modest neighborhood turned into a makeshift TV set.

Dressed for the occasion in hard hat, work gloves and a large wraparound tool belt, the president joined other volunteers hammering nails into a sheet of plywood. The first lady, a cloth nail pouch around her waist, accompanied him. Bush spent most of his time chatting, signing autographs and posing for pictures.
I'm not right a lot, but when I am ...


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