Wednesday, November 07, 2007

To Kettle, From Pot

What color is the sky in their world?
A breathless set of Fox News Channel commentators couldn't keep quiet about Rosie O'Donnell's possible prime time show on MSNBC and a news report that MSNBC has set out to hire a set of left-leaning commentators. On the Tuesday morning broadcast of Fox & Friends, the show's co-hosts were gunning to discuss the network's apparent liberal bias.

"Call me crazy, I majored in journalism, it's why I got into this business in the first point, and no news organization should have a political bent," said guest Deborah Norville, who at one time hosted a program on MSNBC in the same time slot O'Donnell may soon takeover.

"Sure," co-host Steve Doocy said in agreement.

Norville added, "It should be, 'just the facts ma'am' and let the viewers decide."
Norville invited people to call her crazy, but if she really thinks Faux News isn’t guilty of the exact thing she’s railing against, she passed “crazy” a long time ago and is totally fucking batshit insane.

Maybe FNC was just trying to draw attention away from Dana Perino, this year’s other finalist in this year’s Reality Blind Spot contest, who was nominated after this memorable exchange just two days ago:
Q: Is it ever reasonable to restrict constitutional freedoms in the name of fighting terrorism?

MS. PERINO: In our opinion, no.
Maybe Norville ought to be concerned about why MSNBC is looking to bring more progressive voices on board. Update that resume, Deb. The worm is turning.

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