Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Memorial Day

Please take a moment to remember the people who have died in service to this country, and the unfathomable pain and sadness that those they left behind will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Remember the babies who will never see their fathers, the folded flag and medals that are the last remembrances of a big sister, the parents buying flowers for their sons' and daughters' graves today.

Remember the people who suffered horrific physical and mental scars, for whom every day is a struggle. Remember what a profanity war is.

I hope the obscenely empty gesture of the photo-op doesn't interfere too much with George Bush's holiday. I hear Camp David is beautiful this time of year. It must kill him to have to fly to Arlington.

This war may be is a mistake and the civilian leadership behind it (nearly all of them draft dodgers, by the way) may be are incompetent, amoral criminals, but that does nothing to tarnish the valor of the men and women who wear the uniform. They face longer tours, shorter dwell time, shortages of urgently needed equipment, abysmal healthcare and dwindling benefits. And yet they answer the call. They are true American heroes, and they deserve so much better.

God bless and protect every one of them. May they all return home quickly and safely.


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