Wednesday, November 16, 2005


George Bush really fooled New York, huh?

Congressional budget negotiators have decided to take back $125 million in Sept. 11 aid from New York, which had fought to keep the money to treat sick and injured ground zero workers, lawmakers said Tuesday.

The tug-of-war over the $125 million began earlier this year when the White House proposed taking the money back because the state had not yet spent it.

New York protested, saying the money was part of the $20 billion pledged by President Bush to help rebuild after the Sept. 11 attacks. Health advocates said the
money is needed to treat current and future illnesses among ground zero workers.

"It seems that despite our efforts the rescission will stand, very sadly, and that is something of a promise broken," said Rep. Vito Fossella, R-N.Y. "We will try
hard in the coming weeks, but ultimately Congress will have something of a black eye over this."
Being that it was the White House that originally floated the idea of taking the money back, does that make Bush something of a liar?

Don't worry, New York. Next time you need someone to appear for a photo-op on a pile of rubble and bodies, George Bush will be there.

It just looks like results.


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